Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Rev Jeremiah Wright at it again...

In a recent sermon delivered Sunday President-elect Barack Obama former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, referred to one of his harshest critics, co-host of ABC's morning show "The View" Elisabeth Hasselbeck, as "that dumb broad."

Besides singing, mincing, and speaking at Trinity United Church of Christ during its church anniversary, retired Wright reiterated over and over referring to Hasselback as being a "broad" but most times as "that dumb broad"
Wright expressed pride in Obama's longtime association with Trinity United Church of Christ, where he recently retired after serving 36 years as senior pastor, but was still very opinionated of the president-elects decision for abandoning the church.

“The hatred of the media and the haters in politics may have caused him to distance himself from us, but the love of Christ will never allow me to distance myself from him,' Wright said of Obama. "I can no more disown him than I can disown any other child of mine who makes [a] bad decision. He made a bad decision, but he's still my child."
Just when you think that hes stopped....something else flares up.

Meanwhile, on the episode of the ABC talk show "The View" on Monday, Hasselbeck characterized Wright’s remarks as both sexist and small-minded.